Thursday 9 August 2012

"People die because they lack health insurance and more will die if Romney wins and the Affordable Care Act is repealed. That point needs to be made."

I genuinely wonder if those calling for "Obamacare" to be scrapped realise that doing so will kill people.

Real actual people, dead because reforming the U.S. healthcare goes against whatever belief it is they have in maintaining the status quo. I'd like to think they were unaware of it, or had failed to consider it, rather than believe that such large numbers of Americans would so callously dispose of the lives of their fellow citizens.

People will also die because the Affordable Care Act does not go far enough in providing for those citizens who need help the most, but it seems unlikely that an American NHS will come into being any time soon despite it being cheaper and more effective than the current regime.

Via: eclectablog

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