Monday 31 January 2011

Death ray from the Shed of Doom!

Kid builds solar death ray in his shed with the power of over 5,000 suns:

Via: TDW Geeks

Self cleaning turtle

Here is a turtle shaking it's shell to some banging beats.

It doesn't work quite as well with tortoises.

Via: my kid sister on Facebook

What is the difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain, and England?

Let's just ignore the accidental colouring of Northern Ireland in orange.


Would you stick your head in this?

An amazing Rube Goldberg machine which ties neck-ties:

To be fair it's not supposed to be used to put your tie on in the morning, it's a sculpture called 'Why Knot?'.

Via: boingboing

Sunday 30 January 2011

How to dress like a Thundercat

The team over at Holy Taco have put together 25 of the finest examples of Thundercats cosplay costumes.

Some are good:

Some are bad:

And in one of them Cheetara's costume is made entirely of paint! (NSFW)

Betty White as you've never seen her before

You didn't ask for them but here they are anyway, naked pictures of 89 year old comedic actress Betty White:

Source: yeeeah

Teeny Tiny Tokyo (Storm)Troopers

I don't know if R2-D2 is babysitting them - that seems irresponsible to me - or why they have such big feet, but this is nevertheless quote a cool little vid.

Via: TDW Geeks

Here's a picture of some cute kids in Star Wars/Space Balls outfits:


What if the moon were something else?

This video shows what it would look like if we replaced the moon with other objects from our solar system.


I don't know what this is, but I like it (sNSFW)

This is the music video to The Young Punx' club remix of Amanda Palmer and Peaches - Map Of Tasmania. (It features scenes of elegantly styled muffs and merkins so probably not something to watch in front of Nana).

I'm all for the natural look myself.


Ancient Egyptian Proverb


Take 10 minutes and watch this

A short rotoscoped film called 'The Thomas Beale Cipher'.

Apparently there are 16 hidden messages in the film (8 easy, 6 difficult and 2 impossible) which provide clues to the characters' secrets.


Do the creep

From the people that brought you 'I'm On A Boat' and 'Like A Boss':

How about a nice relaxing Sunday morning walk?

Don't look down...


Saturday 29 January 2011

Are you ethically obligated to steal Hitler's wallet?

Well are you?

Check out the arguments raging in the comments below the post over at, especially the affect vs. effect debate (see below).

Source: xkcd

"It's Showtime!" - A Harry Hanrahan Supercut

Is this the only thing Eddie Murphy knows how to say?

Source: hh1edits

Take 2 minutes to watch something awesome

Not content with challenging Watsky for the fastest/palest rapper title, lightning paced lyrical delivery machine MacLethal has released this marvel.

He manages to recap the entire story of 'Dazed & Confused' (the Superbad of the 90's) in superb style in only 2 minutes.

"Now this is a story all about how, my life got flipped-turned upside down..."

Group of kids re-enact the opening titles to The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

"Is this a ride?"

Animation recounting one Disney employee's struggle to deal with a monumentally stupid visitor:

Via: boingboing

David Brent and Michael Scott finally cross paths

Below is footage of the moment the universe has been waiting for. Ricky Gervais and Steve Carrell's comedy Office personas from opposite sides of the Atlantic finally meet.

Via: nbc

(2 men + 1 warehouse) x lightsabers = epic fight sequence

No geeky costumes in sight just two men having an epic lightsaber battle in a warehouse.

Once again, I'm not a Star Wars nerd but this seems better than anything I remember seeing in the films.

Via: TDW Geeks

Minecraft: The crack cocaine of computer games

Ever see something and instantly know that you must avoid trying it at all costs, because you know how easily you'd become addicted to it? For me, one of those things is Minecraft.

I'll let the team from Zero Punctuation explain what it is:

Sadly I can't risk experiencing the endless joy of Minecraft meddling, but perhaps you can. But if you do, always remember:

Sweet robot dance moves


Friday 28 January 2011

Con Air Rap

So there's this (NSFW language):

No love for Dave Chappelle, Danny Trejo or Steve Buscemi? Unforgivable

Via: HeyUGuys

Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville. Welcome to Jackass... 3.5?

After 2010's Jackass 3D (which I loved) you may have expected it would be quite some time before the Jackass crew were seen again. If so you were very very wrong:

<a href="">Jackass 3.5 (Exclusive Trailer Premiere)</a>

Or were you? The release date for this next instalment is April 1st which automatically triggers every alarm bell going. Guess we'll have to wait and see what truth will out.

Via: HeyUGuys

Awesomely Epic: India's Most Expensive & Highest Grossing Film

Below are a trailer and 10 minute extract of the best film you've never seen... Endhiran (a.k.a. Robot).


3 Words: Badass - Lego - Guns

So there's this book:

And here's the video showing the finished weapons in action:

Via: boingboing

Elmo Is My (Admirably Adorable) Hero

The man who provides the voice (and intimately inserted arm) for the red fuzzy monster named Elmo - beloved by kids around the world - is starring in the documentary film 'Being Elmo', currently showing at Sundance.

Here Kevin Clash (Sesame Street's Muppet Captain - best job title ever) and Elmo, make a woman and her unborn daughter's day.


Shaolin monk throws a needle through a sheet of glass

When Karl Pilkington attempted the same thing for his 'An Idiot Abroad' show... it didn't turn out quite as well


Facebook Privacy: A New Approach

Worried about getting in trouble over what you post on Facebook? Here is an unconventional solution.

Listen to The Streets new 14 track mixtape - no cost, no catches

I'd been wondering where Mike Skinner and Co. had been hiding.

Source: nerve

Realistically awkward movie sex scenes

Cinema has a tendency to portray sex as this magically unachievable perfect experience we mere mortals can never achieve. Some films decide to deviate from this familiar style and echo the sense of awkwardness that can accompany real life unions.

You can see all 10 films (NSFW) nerve picked out, but here is the one I feel was particularly cringe worthy (also NSFW):

Source: nerve

Thursday 27 January 2011

The intro to the BBC's DVDs in America is rather humorous

In the UK we don't get to see the BBC's advertising efforts. Turns out we've been missing out:


Meekakitty Can Be My Star Trek Girl Whenever She Wants

One of my favourite people on YouTube is Meekakitty. She's funny, geeky, beautiful and running neck and neck with Julia Nunes for my prestigious "YouTube'r I'd Most Like To Marry" award.

Her latest video is just yet another of the many reasons I'm in love with her and her epically nerdy humour:

My favourite points are the brief glimpse of her Seven-of-Nine outfit & the fantastic Ray William Johnson cameo.

This isn't the first time Meekakitty (real name Tessa) has appeared in a music video, check out her performance in the video for All Caps - Don't Unplug Me (one of my most played songs).

(Galactic) Empire State of Mind

First it was Jay-Z & Alicia Keys, then Alicia on her own, now everyone seems to have had a go at recording a version of 'Empire State of Mind'... even Darth Vader?

Via: CollegeHumor.

"I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas any more..."

This line has been used more often than I would have thought possible. Here's the supercut to demonstrate:

What If Other Directors Had Made The Social Network?

Okay, I'm a big fan of Facebook and therefore an even bigger fan of 'The Social Network' (as shown here and here), but I like to think this is due to the skill with with which it was directed. But what if it had been a different person sat in the director's chair?

Via: CollegeHumor

Let People Know How You Really Feel

It can be hard to express yourself online. Luckily there is a new gizmo on the market to make things easier.
geek news - Feelings Of The Day
Via: TDW Geeks

Wednesday 26 January 2011

"So many monkeys"

There are times when you find yourself thinking, "This is too many monkeys".

I imagine that for the video's victim, this was one of those times.

Via: boingboing

Your Favorite Martian's Balls

Star of viral video reviews on YouTube, Ray William Johnson has finally unveiled his super secret side project 'Your Favorite Martian'.

The first video released? An animated music video.

The song is available in iTunes now.

Disney's Darkest Movie Moments

Despite it's cuter-than-cute outward appearance, there's always that sneaking suspicion that evil lies at the heart of the Disney empire and Cracked's latest photoshop contest proves it.

Here's a selection for you:

See all 18 images at:

Epic Internet WIN by PBS

Remember yesterday's post about Noah, the 5 year old who sent a one dollar bill to PBS so they could make him a TV show called 'Super Heroes to the Rescue!'?

Well they've done it...


There is a now a 'Super Heroes to the Rescue!' page on the PBS Kids website, complete with a shout out to Noah thanking him for his dollar.

Sheeeeeeeit, I Miss The Wire

But if I can get this on a T-shirt I might feel better:

The Old Spice Guy Is Back!

This is the best news I've heard all day.

Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats, Ho!

After yesterday's blurry leaked image, comes an official peak at what to expect from the forthcoming ThunderCats reboot.
geek news - First Look Of The Day
Via: TDW Geeks

Glove, Actually - An Ode to Cinema's Greatest Slaps

A supercut of some of the most 'striking' moments in cinema:

Source: Jeff Smith on Vimeo

Venetian Flying Space Hopper Duel!

If that title didn't grab your attention, then how did you wind up here?

Most people's holiday snaps are on the dull side, not so for this couple:

SPACE HOPPERS in VENICE from bayougirl on Vimeo.

Are You 'Geek' Enough For Her?

The fantasy of millions of nerdy man-boys - myself included - is a a real life woman as geeky as them.

But what if she was geekier?

Be careful what you wish for...

Maybe this guy is up to the challenge?

The Importance of Infographics

5 Year Old Commissions TV Show

In what is either the cutest or ballsiest letter ever, a 5 year old called Noah wrote to his local PBS station asking them to make him a TV show.

He even included a one dollar bill to cover production costs.

While it's unlikely that Noah will get to see 'Superheroes to the Rescue' on TV anytime soon, the folks over at reddit (where this was first posted) are looking to draw up a special comic just for Noah.

Handy Time Saving Tips!

Don't you find that there just isn't enough time to do all that you need to do? Well with this bunch of helpful time savers you'll have more spare time than you know what to do with!

Via: the daily what

Go To Sleep!

Why are you still awake?

Why are you messing about on the internet when you should be tucked up in bed?

Via: CollegeHumor.

"ThunderCats Ho!" - First Look At The New Series

I didn't know there was a new ThunderCats cartoon in production, but now that I do I can't wait to see it!

Little Kids Act Out 'The Social Network'

I love seeing kids acting out scenes from movies and this is no exception.

This comes courtesy of Aol in honour of today's Oscar nominations.
(If I were a paranoid man I might suspect they already knew the nom was coming...)

Via: Mashable

Sunday 23 January 2011

Top 10 Sequels of 2011

Grace Randolph tells us what to expect from 2011's forthcoming assortment of cinematic sequels.


Ladies, Gentlemen, and undecided others.
I present a supercut of spit takes for your viewing pleasure.
(You may want to put down any food or drink beforehand.)

How To Become A Dragon

This is impressive and must have taken a great deal of practice...which is obviously a bad thing and most likely has long term health consequences

The Swedish Chef Gets A Gritty Reboot

I know what I'm having for lunch! Now where did I leave my foot-butter?

"...Come in Dog Fort. Over..."

A single glimpse of this picture should be enough to realise that an internet legend has been born, and it's name is Dog Fort

Geek Parenting FTW!

This is how to play Angry Birds in real life, and a fine demonstration of one of the many reasons that geeks make great parents.

Band Fight!

Matt and Kim were the inspiration for my favourite blog posting, but I had forgotten about them since. This was my loss, as their latest video shows.

Kenickie from Grease is clearly a rapist

I was always creeped out by that "Did she put up a fight?" line.
The team at College Humor noticed it as well:

To save you having to search for it, here's the original.

Saturday 22 January 2011

Another Pale Kid Raps. Faster!

There is a challenger to Watsky who I blogged about earlier this week (Pale Kid Raps Fast):

Many commenters have deemed this video to be "fabricated & homosexual". This has angered Mac Lethal and lead to another video upload, this time with a stopwatch and even faster rapping.

Let's Face It, Computer Games Have Gotten Good

I'm not a gamer. I don't own a TV let alone a PS3, Xbox or Wii to connect to it. I'm all about my laptop and my Google "superphone". However, I'm still in awe of the current state of console gaming and you should be too:

The best games are now placing as much importance on story and characters as films do, and now the technology has advanced to the point were the subtle nuances of facial expression are starting to rival that of cinema as well.

Adorable Kid Makes Up An Amazing Story

This kid is unbelievably adorable, and her tale of the adventures of Tigger & Winnie The Pooh is better than any film you've ever seen or book you've ever read.

Friday 21 January 2011

Some Things Look Just Too Good To Eat

I want these. Now!
(Source: Cupcake Occasions (UK))

Pint Sized Playa

Young kid sets his mind on getting a kiss from a cheerleader... and succeeds!

Too Cute For Words


"Sorry sir, that's not a wheelchair... it's a tank"


Possibly the greatest Xmas gift of all time, Jim Starr received the Tank Chair from friends. Unfortunately it's size and weight put it far outside the legal definitions of a wheelchair. So, like Segways it is restricted to use only on private land as it's illegal for use on roads or on pavements.

Of course, if Jim decides to mount a turret and some armour on it he could probably take it wherever the hell he wants.

Who Knew Cellos Were This Badass?

It's like two leather clad vampires have challenged each other to a "cello off".

Jedinja Zamvirebot: The Jedi Ninja Vampire Spaceship Zombie Pirate (Kind of Magic) Robot Hybrid

What happens when you stick a whole bunch of awesome together?

Thursday 20 January 2011


Wikipedia turned 10 years old last week. Unlike most 10 year olds Wikipedia is awesome, and is one of the finest things to have arisen on the internet. Watsky clearly agrees as he demonstrates in this Wiki-ed rap.
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Pale Kid Raps Fast

The title pretty says it all, but you need to watch the video to fully appreciate Watsky's lyrical dexterity.

Update: Check out another pale kid rapping faster

Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Best You

There are three simple steps to success and only one of them involves murder...

Australian Paddle-Thru McDonald's Restaurant

This is unlikely to catch on:

Assortment of Evil

Following on from yesterday's 'Evolution of Nicolas Cage's Hair' post, is another masterpiece of editing by Harry Hanrahan. This time showing the greatest human villains to grace the silver screen:

Beware of The Drunken Irish Giant

Actually he seems reasonably harmless, but he's a big fecker isn't he?
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Tuesday 18 January 2011

The Evolution of Nicolas Cage's Hair

So many movies, so many hairstyles...

"Smooth on the inside, crunchy on the outside... Armadillo!"

Some of you may not be old enough to remember the advert I'm referring to, but reader's of all ages must agree that that's a cute little critter.
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Monday 17 January 2011

One Man Had A Dream

Happy Martin Luther King Day
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“The Social Network” Wins Big at Golden Globes

Turning 7 nominations into 4 wins, including Best Director & Best Picture, The Social Network has done amazingly well at the Golden Globes. As a huge Facebook fan I was always going to be interested in this movie but when I finally saw the trailer my expectations really started to rise:

With the director of Fight Club in charge of the filming, and an excellent source to draw from in Ben Mezrich's book "The Accidental Billionaires" it really shouldn't have been a surprise that this film did so well.

Source: “The Social Network” Wins Big at Golden Globes

Shampoo has found a new way to make me cry

It doesn't take much to make me cry - songs, TV shows, movies, books, cute kittens... and now shampoo adverts.
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Sunday 16 January 2011

3D's Holy Grail Finally Arrives... No Glasses!

For years the film industry has been seeking a solution to a terrible problem. How can we create 3D without the silly glasses?

Thankfully the answer has arrived, and while only a prototype it looks very promising. Now some of you may question the authenticity of this demonstration, but may I remind you that 'beard + foreign accent = trustworthy' thereby proving that this is in no way fake.

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All About The A Cappella: The Ultimate Collection

34 "a cappella" videos that I spent hours gathering together in September 2009, but never got around to posting. Enjoy!

"Don't Stop Believing" - Glee - cover

Michael Jackson Medley

Livin' on a Prayer (ICCA 2009 Quarterfinal) - Columbia University's Nonsequitur

I'm On A Boat A Cappella

WCU Lucky 4 You - Toxic

Flying Pickets - Only You

Maybebop - Nirvana

Caravan of love by The Housemartins

God Only Knows, Beach Boys on ukulele

The Killers Mr. Brightside A Cappella

UC Men's Octet - Bohemian Rhapsody

UC Men's Octet Fall Show 2003 pt 5 - 500 Miles

UC Men's Octet - Nirvana Medley

Chucktown Trippintones - Blink Me! (Blink-182 medley)

Scrubs Barbara Ann

Men's Blue and White - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Mosaic Whispers "Fix You" by Coldplay

The Trojan Men - Eye of the Tiger

The Leading Tones - Numb/Encore

The Leading Tones - Free Fallin'

Veritas - Linkin Park medley

Wellesley College Tupelos -- Zombie

The Middle - Freshman 15 Alumni

USC Reverse Osmosis - Sweetness

Freshman Fifteen; The Way It Is

The Duke's Men of Yale - Umbrella - ICCA Semifinals 2009

The Duke's Men of Yale - Gone (Ben Folds)

Gone, Ben Folds

Snakes on a Plane

USC Reverse Osmosis - Sugar

Reverse Osmosis USC "Supermassive Black Hole

Reverse Osmosis USC "Carry On My Wayward Son"

Premium Blend - Move Along

Dirty Little Secret - All American Rejects (A cappella)

Walking Down The Street: Variations on a theme (Repost)

(Originally posted in September 2009, this is the blog post of which I am most proud.)

The winner of this years 'Best Breakthrough Video' was somewhat overshadowed by Kanye's comments at this years VMA's. The video for Lesson Learned by 'Matt and Kim' was a worthy winner with a shocking ending so realistic that some have mistakenly believed it to be real.

Matt and Kim - Lesson Learned

While impressive I couldn't help thinking that it was just a variation on a standard music video motif. A quick 'click & run' on YouTube confirmed my suspicions and threw in a few more examples I hadn't seen previously.

Individuals or groups walking down the street to a musical refrain are a familiar sight, it's origins dating back to the great musicals of yesteryear.

Gene Kelly - Singing in the Rain

The modern trend is for the action to occur in one continuous take, or at least create the illusion of it. There are exceptions to this rule which are notable for other techniques.

The Pharcyde - Drop

The single shot format is the norm and it's easy to see how a simple concept can tell a great story.

The focus upon one person can produce powerful results when coupled with the right song. Here The Verve's Richard Ashcroft (who I once met in an Italian airport) shows us how it's done.

The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony

The video may have led to conflicts on the pavements of the nation as copycats tried to emulate the iconic scenes. Some people managed it to do it quite well.

It's not all confrontational lad culture, there have been some softer songs accompanying the singers march.

And some are downright sexy!

Make The Girl Dance - Baby Baby Baby

(As a bonus here's Guitar Hero's take on the previous video)

We No Speak Americano (but our hands do)

A nifty little video for the hit song "We No Speak Americano". It features some amazingly choreographed 'hand dancing' that must have taken a long time to perfect.

After picking my jaw back up off the floor, I got to wondering why the style felt so familiar when I hadn't seen anything like this before?

A quick look at the other videos on the account revealed that the pair are Irish dancers, and that their hands are acting out the movements their feet would make when Irish dancing (also the pair's skills have already landed them a place in a McDonald's advertising campaign.)
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Saturday 15 January 2011


The folks over at FilmDrunk have found a great little video which highlights just how often the characters say "Michael" in The Lost Boys:

Every Line of Dialogue in The Lost Boys is "Michael" from Dan Nixon on Vimeo.

Don't Do This

After my earlier 10 of your favourite anti-tech words post it was fortuitous that I stumbled upon this perfect example of a meanderthal.

Meanderthal: someone who tries to drive or walk while using a mobile phone.

(via The Daily What)

The Scrollwheel: A case of justifiable homicide

It can be painful to watch the technologically illiterate fumble their way around the electronic world.

Yes mum I'm thinking of you.
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Google Science Fair

As a child there were lot's of things to envy about the lifestyles of the kids shown in American TV shows. Their good looks, their lack of uniforms, their bleachers to make out under, and most of all... their science fairs.

I was a really smart kid in school and loved science which made the idea of a science fair appeal to me on two levels:

1. I'd get to build something really cool.
2. I'd definitely win and show everyone how much smarter I was than them.

*ominous rumble of thunder*

Now that I'm (slightly) more mature I know that I was wrong to think this way. Yes I'd still get to build something cool but I am no longer so arrogant as to think I'd have won.

No, the prize would of course have good to an inferior project, made by the mother of the kid who sticks crayons down his pants. Darwin forbid that we reward the smart people! We have to be inclusive!

...sorry about that :-|

Yeah, so Google have announced a worldwide online science fair, using a cool Rube Goldberg themed video. Enjoy.

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Friday 14 January 2011

10 of your favourite anti-tech words

An interesting little piece on the BBC website:
BBC News - 10 of your favourite anti-tech words

I have had occasions where these words would have been useful to describe what I was doing or had done. My favourite, which shall be incorporated into daily use with immediate effect is "Memail: e-mail I send to myself to remind me to do things". A large number of the emails I send every day fall into this category and now I finally know what to call them.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Grab Those Goggles!

I'm a total Google fanboy and make no effort to hide it, so every time a new announcement issues forth from Google HQ I take a little look.

Google's 'Goggles' are not new, Android users will already be familiar with the amazing things the app can do, but a nifty new feature has been unveiled... Sudoku solving!

It won't change the world, it's just another little addition to Google's bag of tricks. A big which is bulging at the seams already.
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Saturday 8 January 2011

Everything Sounds The Same

Ever find yourself thinking that all pop music sounds the same? Turns out half the songs you love/hate/love-to-hate are just the same 4 chords repeated forever.
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Sweet Social Media Success Story (with a bitter aftertaste)

Unless you've been living in a cave - or just don't pay attention to internet hype - you will be familiar with the story of Ted Williams, the Golden-Voiced Homeless Man, and the amazing events of the past week.

A video demonstrating Ted's golden radio voice as he panhandled beside a highway, and the subsequent interview in which he explained how he was trying to get his life back together after falling foul of drugs and alcohol, inspired millions. In under 48 hours the video had attracted over 10 million views and job offers started rolling in for Ted with the NFL's Cleveland Cavaliers and Kraft Foods leading the charge. A wonderful story that shows the internet at its best.

So where is this bitter aftertaste I mentioned? Well, the amazing video which was being shared around the world as people sought to share Ted's inspirational tale, had been removed from YouTube due to copyright infringement.

To me this is the internet at its worst. While people around the world find themselves touched by one man's story (and the beautiful voice he tells it with), and companies fall over themselves to be a part of Ted's journey back from the bottom, there is a copyright claim that sours the whole situation.

I'm not a big believer in the sanctity of copyright, as long as someone isn't trying to pass another's work off as their own I think there's not much harm. Why was the copyright owner not happy to have their ownership acknowledged and leave the video available for the world to share? It will make no difference to Ted, he has already benefitted from the power of the web, it is those who didn't get a chance to see the video that started it all that lose out.

Luckily their are plenty of copies floating about for them to check out:
(Sadly it is almost impossible to find a copy of the original video anymore)