Monday 23 February 2009

Twittering Masses

The recent surge in popularity experienced by Twitter finally caught me up. Facebook hooked me in 6 months ago and my early attempts at blogging grew weary without an audience, but there is something about the 140 character limit imposed by Twitter that has seized me in a way the others haven't.

A few weeks after becoming a Twitterer, I've found myself integrating it into my daily life in ways I couldn't have imagined. Once you realise that the basic interface offered via the Twitter site is for only the most inexperienced of users, a whole new world is presented to you.

I now run third party applications from my PC and mobile which give me a greater control of both my own Twitterings and the Tweets of the people I follow.

Twitter is here to stay and I intend to take full advantage of it. This is just a quick and easy post, partially to test some Twitter functionality, my next post(s) will delve a little deeper into my twitter experience.