Monday 21 September 2009

Browned Off

Why can't I bring myself to read Dan Brown's latest offering?

Last week I was heading into Harrow for my college interview and assessment, making a pit stop at Tesco I was confronted by stacks of the publication just begging to be taken home. At less than half the RRP it seemed a good deal and I popped one in the basket.

A week later and my copy is sat on the desk unread. Normally books don't last more than a day or two before I'm finishing off the final page. I've read the other four Dan Brown masterpieces and while I'm under no illusions about it being anything but pulp fiction it's certainly entertaining. The films were woefully bad but all four books were excitingly fast passed and with just enough factual flavouring to make the ridiculous portions of the plot easier to swallow.

Maybe it's other aspects of my life taking precedent over any literary longings? The past week has seen me acquire a shiny new laptop and get started at college, so I've not had as many hours free for reading.

Still I think it's an overall reluctance causing me to leave the tome unopened. After the hype that developed since I read the previous books and the disappointment of the movies it would be all to easy for the latest story to fail to live up to expectations.

The anticipation, pre-order hoopla and record breaking sales just contribute to a sense of unease and fear of being let down. I know I'll get round to reading it, I'm just not in a hurry to do so.

1 comment:

  1. Funny enough I am a fan of his books too but havent even bought this yet and have seen it everywhere....Hmmmm strange.
