Friday 29 April 2011

How My Mind Works - a quick peek behind the curtain of my blog

This is mainly an excuse to show you a string of videos that I thought were cool, under the pretext of explaining how I hop around on YouTube and make my seemingly random selections for posting on the blog.

First up is a video I saw while watching a livestream by zekkyou:

Apparently it's based on an American advert. After finding it I had a quick look at the other videos on the channel (MissAlissa15) with this being the first to catch my eye:

To me, that is a great, quirky YouTube video and a clear sign that this is a channel of quality. A fact supported by these further offerings:

Of course, having watched that last one I had to go compare it to the original:

Every time I hear this song I of course think of the masterpiece that is Grosse Pointe Blank and so went looking for a video of it to share with you. The trailer is terrible and full of spoilers so I figured this was a better example to use:

Finally, I couldn't resist sharing this epic interview fail featuring John Cusack:

Now you have an idea as to how I find these strange, weird and wonderful videos to share with you. Normally I would have only shared one or two of these but for every video that makes it to the blog, there arre three, four or even more that lead me there.

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