From the producers of 300 comes this steaming pile of terribleness:
Please note that unlike the director or writers of 300, the producers had nothing to do with the artistic creation of 300, they just got the money together and arranged the twice daily Spartan chest waxing. Seeing "From the producers of" on the marketing materials of a forthcoming film is not a good sign
Saturday, 30 April 2011
'Click Here' - A superbly geeky anniversary present
In the YouTube comments, Sean reveals that Lisa wasn't too happy about him clearing all her icons from the desktop, but liked it anyway.
Why you should jailbreak your iPhone
If you are unfortunate enough to be lumbered with an iPhone (instead of one of the many far superior Android devices on the market) here is a video illuminating some of the benefits of jailbreaking it.
Disclaimer: There is a small risk that in ridding yourself of the tyranny of Apple's woeful operating system, you might turn your overpriced phone into an overpriced brick. I take no responsibility if this happens but I will find it highly entertaining.
Disclaimer: There is a small risk that in ridding yourself of the tyranny of Apple's woeful operating system, you might turn your overpriced phone into an overpriced brick. I take no responsibility if this happens but I will find it highly entertaining.
Michael Scott's departure from The Office is hard to take (that's what she said!)
Steve Carell's final performance as lovably incompetent office manage Michael Scott has been broadcast. For those of you who missed it you can see the whole episode (featuring Will Ferrell) at the bottom of the page, but before you do...
Here is a farewell compilation made up of clips of Michael uttering his favourite phrase (which scientists are busy trying to teach to computers):
Here is a farewell compilation made up of clips of Michael uttering his favourite phrase (which scientists are busy trying to teach to computers):
"Goodbye, Michael"
Son of Epic Meal Time
The Epic Meal Time phenomenon is taking over the internetz. It's a simple premise whereby they film themselves taking a meal and making it EPIC. Here's their most recent offering:
NSFW language and a sickening amount / concoction of food
It's even inspired this awesome parody featuring a 10 year old "Sauce Boss" and his younger sister:
Via: The Daily What
NSFW language and a sickening amount / concoction of food
It's even inspired this awesome parody featuring a 10 year old "Sauce Boss" and his younger sister:
Via: The Daily What
The sex-ed class from hell (A short film inspired by the work of H. P. Lovecraft)
How can I possibly find the words to do justice to this exquisite piece of work? I'll just say it is hilariously disturbing and leave it at that.
Via: Daniel Soh on Facebook
Via: Daniel Soh on Facebook
Friday, 29 April 2011
How My Mind Works - a quick peek behind the curtain of my blog
This is mainly an excuse to show you a string of videos that I thought were cool, under the pretext of explaining how I hop around on YouTube and make my seemingly random selections for posting on the blog.
First up is a video I saw while watching a livestream by zekkyou:
Apparently it's based on an American advert. After finding it I had a quick look at the other videos on the channel (MissAlissa15) with this being the first to catch my eye:
To me, that is a great, quirky YouTube video and a clear sign that this is a channel of quality. A fact supported by these further offerings:
Of course, having watched that last one I had to go compare it to the original:
Every time I hear this song I of course think of the masterpiece that is Grosse Pointe Blank and so went looking for a video of it to share with you. The trailer is terrible and full of spoilers so I figured this was a better example to use:
Finally, I couldn't resist sharing this epic interview fail featuring John Cusack:
Now you have an idea as to how I find these strange, weird and wonderful videos to share with you. Normally I would have only shared one or two of these but for every video that makes it to the blog, there arre three, four or even more that lead me there.
First up is a video I saw while watching a livestream by zekkyou:
Apparently it's based on an American advert. After finding it I had a quick look at the other videos on the channel (MissAlissa15) with this being the first to catch my eye:
To me, that is a great, quirky YouTube video and a clear sign that this is a channel of quality. A fact supported by these further offerings:
Of course, having watched that last one I had to go compare it to the original:
Every time I hear this song I of course think of the masterpiece that is Grosse Pointe Blank and so went looking for a video of it to share with you. The trailer is terrible and full of spoilers so I figured this was a better example to use:
Finally, I couldn't resist sharing this epic interview fail featuring John Cusack:
Now you have an idea as to how I find these strange, weird and wonderful videos to share with you. Normally I would have only shared one or two of these but for every video that makes it to the blog, there arre three, four or even more that lead me there.
Listen up, Watsky has some words for you
YouTube superstar Philip DeFranco has launched a new project in which he highlights some of the amazing people that can be found on YouTube. The first installment happens to be an interview with George 'pale kid raps fast' Watsky, someone who I've covered several times on here.
Via: Philip DeFranco
BONUS: Here's a video of his I thought I had posted but was actually languishing in my drafts pile.
Via: Philip DeFranco
BONUS: Here's a video of his I thought I had posted but was actually languishing in my drafts pile.
Is this where Aussie vs. Kiwi rivalry is headed?
If so, I know who my money will be on...
Via: Dave Emerton on Facebook
Via: Dave Emerton on Facebook
This will be the final Portal post, I promise...
Just to round of this morning's set of Portal related videos, here is a hilarious video of Simon from The Yogscast attempting to play through Portal 2.
Am I the only one obsessed with the 'Still Alive' song?
Written by Jonathan Coulton, the song plays during the end credits of the popular video game Portal. It's funny, beautiful and amazing. Here it is set to some well crafted kinetic typography:
Can someone whip me up an image of the Golden Girls as Jedis?
I stumbled across this story after a sudden spike in views on my Betty White as you've never seen her before post. It has always been a popular post (nude pictures of ageing female comedians always will be) but I was curious why today should have seen such a spike in traffic.
After a quick look at what people had entered in the Google search box I was intrigued to find they mostly consisted of just 3 words...
Sticking them back into Google myself I was quickly led to this request that was posted on reddit:
Via: blastr
After a quick look at what people had entered in the Google search box I was intrigued to find they mostly consisted of just 3 words...
Betty White lightsaber
Sticking them back into Google myself I was quickly led to this request that was posted on reddit:
Can someone whip up an image of the Golden Girls as Jedi ghosts looking over the last surviving member, Ms. White. Thanks, for being a friend.Putting aside the absence of a question mark, it was a genius thing to request and has given rise to several great photos already, a few of which can be seen below.
Via: blastr
MGMT + Lady Gaga = Epic Weezer performance
Weezer combine two great songs and turn them into something just a bit more special
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Song selection, the key to any successful roadtrip
YouTube stars Rhett & Link are currently on a road trip across America and as we all know, driving without music is hellish. Luckily the two have an extensive knowledge of appropriate songs and the angelic voices necessary to do them justice.
You can watch their adventure so far using the playlist below:
You can watch their adventure so far using the playlist below:
Should bands use other people's videos for their songs?
R.E.M. recently unveiled the video for their new single Every Day Is Yours To Win which is comprised of footage from the videos various YouTube users. I watched about half of it before getting bored and searching for this instead:
Not only is Feeder's 'Just a Day' so much better than Michael Stipe's dreary whining, the video is great to watch as well.
Not only is Feeder's 'Just a Day' so much better than Michael Stipe's dreary whining, the video is great to watch as well.
Arachnophobic? You might want to skip this video
I was minding my own business, enjoying a rather informative article on The 7 Most Impressive Examples of Animal Architecture, when this happened:
I'm entitled to sue for the near heart attack and what I presume will be an eternity of sleepless nights, right?
I'm entitled to sue for the near heart attack and what I presume will be an eternity of sleepless nights, right?
The final Harry Potter film's first trailer has arrived
Love it or loathe it, the Harry Potter film franchise is coming to an end. Here is the first trailer for the final gripping instalment.

Via: HeyUGuys

Via: HeyUGuys
Thursday, 21 April 2011
UPDATE: The tragedy of the greatest music video the world will never see
Earlier I posted about Lady Gaga refusing to let Weird Al parody her song and thus deprive us of possibly the greatest music video of all time. A shrewd piece of PR damage control has suddenly turned it all around.
You can read about on Al's blog but the short version seems to be:
You can read about on Al's blog but the short version seems to be:
- Al post song on YouTube and writes blog entry
- Internet watches/reads and starts kicking up a fuss
- Gaga's PR monsters release a statement saying their Mother Monster knew nothing about this
- Manager takes blame saying that it was him saying no and Gaga never knew
- Gaga gives green like to song
- Video know has a lot to live up to
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
The tragedy of the greatest music video the world will never see
Weird Al Yankovic has been making parody songs since 1976, some of his finest work being 1999's Amish Paradise and 2006's White & Nerdy. He is currently working on his new album and thought he had the perfect song to be the lead single and music video for it, a parody of Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' called 'I Perform This Way'.
Sadly, Lady Gaga doesn't feel the same way. Al refers to it as the 'Gaga Saga' on his blog with the short version being:
So we have the song that he has stuck on YouTube, and the knowledge that the video that would have accompanied the persona portrayed in the lyrics would have been epic. I think this will turn out to be a major PR misstep for Gaga as the internet spreads the story.
Via: Mashable
Sadly, Lady Gaga doesn't feel the same way. Al refers to it as the 'Gaga Saga' on his blog with the short version being:
I wrote and recorded what I thought was going to be the first single off of my new album: a parody of “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga called “Perform This Way.” But after hearing it, Lady Gaga decided not to give me permission to release the song, so… it won’t be coming out commercially anytime in the near future. Sorry.
So we have the song that he has stuck on YouTube, and the knowledge that the video that would have accompanied the persona portrayed in the lyrics would have been epic. I think this will turn out to be a major PR misstep for Gaga as the internet spreads the story.
Via: Mashable
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Monday, 18 April 2011
The History of Science Fiction shown via an epic infographic
This is immense. The size and detail are staggering.
Read more about it here.
Via: Sean McGourty on Facebook
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Via: Sean McGourty on Facebook
Sunday, 17 April 2011
This video of Foo Fighters performing their new album in full is epic
A band that is clearly putting making the fans happy ahead of anti-piracy methods, the Foos first made the album available to stream on Facebook and now have released them performing it in HD on YouTube.
28 Days Later x King Kong = Rise of The Planet of the Apes
If you saw Tim Burton's 'Planet of the Apes', you have my sympathies. I was so let down by what I thought was going to be an amazing film. Now the franchise is being rebooted with the story of how the Apes took over and in the trailer below it looks like an epic tale of a zombie ape apocalypse.
Via: Ray William Johnson on Facebook
Via: Ray William Johnson on Facebook
Saturday, 16 April 2011
People get up to some strange stuff in Apple stores
I don't know who started the 'dancing and lip syncing to a song whilst recording and uploading it to YouTube using one of the computers in the Apple store without permission' (or Apple dance for short) genre of YouTube videos, but this is one of the funniest I've seen.
Here's that bluegrass cover of the Mario Bros. theme you've been waiting for
Don't pretend that you haven't.
Zach Galifianakis is one badass mother... farmer?
Check him out in this quirky video for Kanye West's 'Can't Tell Me Nothing'.
Via: James Juby on Facebook
Via: James Juby on Facebook
The new live action Mortal Kombat series is here!
Some of you may remember the Mortal Kombat: Rebirth video that appeared out of nowhere last year. Was it the trailer for a new film? A piece of clever viral marketing for a new game? Actually it was a pitch from the director to Warner Bros. to make a new live action series.
Fast forward several months and the first of 10 webisodes (web + episodes) has debuted on the Machinima YouTube channel. It features Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine from Star Trek), Tahmoh Penikett (Karl "Helo" Agathon from Battlestar Galactica) and Michael Jai White (Spawn, Exit Wounds & Black Dynamite).
Don't say I never give you anything... FINISH HIM!!!
Fast forward several months and the first of 10 webisodes (web + episodes) has debuted on the Machinima YouTube channel. It features Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine from Star Trek), Tahmoh Penikett (Karl "Helo" Agathon from Battlestar Galactica) and Michael Jai White (Spawn, Exit Wounds & Black Dynamite).
Don't say I never give you anything... FINISH HIM!!!
Friday, 15 April 2011
30 years of Tom Cruise
Hard to believe that Mr. Cruise has been making movies for longer than I've been alive but he most certainly has. Here is a showreel containing some of his greatest moments in movies.

Via: HeyUGuys

Via: HeyUGuys
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Danny MacAskill is far more talented than his humble nature suggests
I presumed I had already posted Danny's amazing "Way Back Home" video but it looks like I was wrong. Here it is:
And now here's an interview he gave to the good folks of Rocketboom.
And now here's an interview he gave to the good folks of Rocketboom.
The Lonely Island and Akon tell the Comedy Awards "I just had sex" live
Do I really need to point out this might be NSFW?
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Ke$ha sing the same love song... sort of
Yes. Yes that is Sarah from Chuck.
Kid joins the Dark Side at Disneyland
Apparently there's a Jedi Academy at Disneyland (who knew?) and as part of it kids are asked to fight Darth Vader. I'm guessing it doesn't normally go like this...
Via: Nick Turk on Facebook
Via: Nick Turk on Facebook
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Monday, 11 April 2011
One of the greatest moments in the history of motion pictures
A scantily clad Salma Hayek table dancing whilst draped in a giant snake in From Dusk till Dawn. Obviously NSFW
David Beckham sell his soul to Pepsi
Here's this video of David Beckham supposedly just having a little kick about during a break in filming the latest Diet Pepsi commercial:
It makes me sad. Why would a footballer as talented as Beckham agree to this CGI'd rubbish? I hope he got paid a truckload of money from it because it's bound to have damaged his brand credibility.
Also, how bad does your performance have to be for David Beckham to out act you Mr. Overenthusiastic-Guy-Behind-Camera?
It makes me sad. Why would a footballer as talented as Beckham agree to this CGI'd rubbish? I hope he got paid a truckload of money from it because it's bound to have damaged his brand credibility.
Also, how bad does your performance have to be for David Beckham to out act you Mr. Overenthusiastic-Guy-Behind-Camera?
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Tim Minchin's Storm the Animated Movie
I posted a video for Tim Minchin's 'Storm' previously but below is the officially commissioned animated accompaniment. It adds another dimension to this wonderful piece of work.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
A music festival unlike any you've seen before
Director Sam O'Hare uses a tilt shift lens to capture footage from Coachella 2010 and transform it into something amazingly beautiful.
He's previously used the same lens for his award winning The Sandpit, showing "a day in the life of New York City, in miniature."
He's previously used the same lens for his award winning The Sandpit, showing "a day in the life of New York City, in miniature."
(Sarah Silverman + Unicorn) x (80's Power Ballad + Cloud Piano) = Awesome
Just watch this, you'll thank me later.
Monday, 4 April 2011
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