Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Neil Patrick Harris dreams of Nathan Fillion playing doctor
NPH's new web series continues it's surreal journey into the puppet plagued mind of the world's greatest entertainer, this week accompanied by an old friend who has traded his usual brown coat for a rather fetching white one.
A Christmas tune with a Boston Irish flavour
The Dropkick Murphys have released a video to accompany their latest single "The Season's Upon Us", a holiday song that captures a certain kind of Christmas spirit.
Expect to hear this ringing out of Irish pubs across the world over the next few weeks.
Expect to hear this ringing out of Irish pubs across the world over the next few weeks.
If Richard Curtis made a zombie film...
While Shaun of the Dead might have been the first ever RomZomCom, this 5 minute short is another entry to the genre.
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Michael Clarke Duncan dies aged 54
Hospitalised since a heart attack on July 13th, Mr. Duncan's publicist released a statement to the press confirming that despite nearly two months of treatment the star had died Monday morning in a Los Angeles hospital.
The former celebrity bodyguard turned Academy Award nominated actor rose to fame for his role in The Green Mile opposite Tom Hanks, as well as films such as Armageddon, The Whole Nine Yards, Daredevil, Sin City and TV show The Finder.
"I identified with John Coffey in the fact that we both had troubled times, we are both big, and by looking at us, you would be fearful of your life if you met us in a dark alley." - Michael Clarke Duncan
Source: LA Times
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Koala hitches a ride in a canoe
Finding himself stuck on a riverbank, this koala took advantage of a passing canoe to get himself to somewhere a bit more hospitable.
Damien Walters wants to introduce you to his little friend
The ex-gymnast turned stuntman can always be relied on to make fantastic YouTube videos but this one is a little bit different from his usual offerings.
Saturday, 1 September 2012
Protection for Godless UCL Students
The Atheist, Secularist and Humanist society at University College London (aka The Godless of Gower Street) need your help in choosing what message to print on the condoms they'll be handing out at the university's upcoming Welcome Fair!
As Alex Gabriel from The Heresy Club says:
There's currently a poll open in their Facebook group to see which one of the five designs - three of which are pictured above - proves to be the most popular and they want to know what you think. You can click here or on the image above to go place your vote & spread the word via Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Either way you'll be helping to protect godless UCL students from both religious interference and sexually transmitted infections.
As Alex Gabriel from The Heresy Club says:
I think this is brilliant. It shows atheist communities are sex-positive; we support you having as much or as little sex as you want, however you want, with whomever wants it too, and we don’t think you need permission from God or the Pope. We support contraception giving women control over their bodies, and advances in science that protect us from STIs. We don’t call consensual sex sinful, we celebrate it in all its forms.
There's currently a poll open in their Facebook group to see which one of the five designs - three of which are pictured above - proves to be the most popular and they want to know what you think. You can click here or on the image above to go place your vote & spread the word via Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Either way you'll be helping to protect godless UCL students from both religious interference and sexually transmitted infections.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Be water my friend - Bruce Lee
One of Bruce Lee's most famous quotes has been given a remix, making it approx. 8% more badass.
Hey it's Bruce Lee, it was pretty badass already!
It's not a hurricane until it's managed to knock down a weather reporter
Below is a compilation of some of the finest examples of such but if that only wets your appetite for more, here's a link to the 10 Best Videos of Reporters Being Blown Away By Hurricanes. Enjoy.
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Flight of the Conchords need you to help the kids for Red Nose Day NZ 2012
New Zealand's 4th most popular folk duo Flight of the Conchords, have reunited to release a charity single for Red Nose Day NZ.
Help them reach their goal of "a million and a hundred and ten and twenty one dollars" by donating here:
Via: Charlee-Rose on Facebook
Help them reach their goal of "a million and a hundred and ten and twenty one dollars" by donating here:
Via: Charlee-Rose on Facebook
After a slow start Australian X Factor's second week brings out the talent
After an opening week packed with outstanding talent Australian X Factor could be forgiven for being unable to keep up the pace into it's second week. Monday night's show seemed to confirm it with several 'good' performances but nothing that blew us away. However, last night's episode definitely put to rest any fears that we'd seen all that the competition had to offer us.
The first act to elicit that "they've got something" response was boy band Fourtunate.
Having reached bootcamp last year the past 12 months clearly hasn't been wasted, as shown by a YouTube channel packed full of treats like this a capella Marvin Gaye & Jay Sean mashup:
The second act to show they had hod something special to offer was singing a song that has suffered terribly at the hands of auditionees in the past, Minnie Ripperton's "Loving You".
Somehow 17 year old Sarah Main managed to do the impossible, not only managing to perform the song without invoking a "nails on a chalkboard" reaction when aiming for the infamous high note, but also reminding us that despite all the botched renditions we've heard over the years, the original is actually a great song.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Women! Have you been struggling to write your shopping lists with those heavy manly biro's?
Luckily for you those clever men at BiC have made some especially for you.
Here's are some of the customer reviews from Amazon:
I allowed my wife to write the grocery list with one of my pens. Shortly thereafter she went out and bought a bunch of flannel shirts, cut the sleeves off and grew a mullet. While she was writing her feminist manifesto, I secretly switched out the man pen with a BiC For Her. She's now back to baking apple pies, vacuuming in heels, and popping bennies in order to keep her girlish figure... like a proper American gal. Thank you BiC!
Oh. My. God. I've been doing it all wrong. There was me thinking I didn't need to worry about whether my writing implement sufficiently reflected my gender. Thank you so much Bic for showing me the error of my ways. Perhaps Bic will also bring out a new range of pink (or purple) feminine spanners, screwdrivers, electric drills and angle grinders so that I can carry out my job as a bicycle mechanic without further embarrassing myself? Luckily my male colleagues have managed to keep their disapproval of my use of their masculine tools to themselves. I'm so ashamed. And re-educated as to my place in society. Thanks again Bic!
I could never write until now because I'm such a thick little Princess that I refused to. I just drew pictures of my pink little bike, with the lilac streamers. I thought I'd just grow up and let a big manly man come and marry/save me. Now I've found this pen, I've learned to write. It's so pretty, with it's comfortable grip, not like the razor like surface on ordinary mens pens. It will help me list all my household chores and record my calorie consumption in my diary. Who knows? Maybe it will give me the confidence to take the stabilisers off my bike.
Unfortunately not all the feedback has been quite so positive:
I bought this pen (in error, evidently) to write my reports of each day's tree felling activities in my job as a lumberjack. It is no good. It slips from between my calloused, gnarly fingers like a gossamer thread gently descending to earth between two giant redwood trunks.
When I saw these I just had to have them, so I asked my Husband to buy them for me. He refused, as he said that owning a pen might make me Think, and then have Ideas Of My Own. Then I might start to Write, which would take time away from my wifely duties such as Cooking, Cleaning, and Bearing Children. Of course he was Absolutely Right, none of these tasks require a pen, and so I have to give these one star.
I tried these on a whim, and I have to say I wasn't very impressed. The applicator mechanism is far too fiddly, and the plastic tampon inside far too thin (not to mention uncomfortable and non-absorbant) - I'm sure there must be a knack to using them, but I couldn't find it. They also stained my knickers blue for some reason. I really wanted to like these, but it's back to pads for me.
The best "viral" advert for Thermo Scientific freezers you'll see all day
I'll definitely keep this in mind when I buy my next Thermo Scientific ultra-low temperature freezer.
Via: Sapir on Facebook
Sunday, 26 August 2012
X Factor: Lucy Spraggan's hidden #BeerFear music video
After seeing Lucy Spraggan wow the X Factor judges and audience with her original song "Last Night" (aka #BeerFear) at the live auctions...
I hit the net in search of more of the Sheffield singer's Kate Nash/Jamie T style. From her website there were the obligatory links to her Facebook & Twitter, along with one to a Soundcloud account showcasing 11 songs. All standard practice for aspiring musical talent in the digital age, as is the presence of an independently produced album available via iTunes & Amazon. In fact everything on display paints a picture of a talented motivated musician, working hard to earn her big break.
Except for one thing... her YouTube page. While it does exist, with 355 subscribers this morning, there are no videos on it. That's unheard of these days for a gigging singer being as it's one of the best ways to build a fan base outside your local area.
Luckily I noticed that while there no videos on her channel there were some on her website, one of which was this slickly produced visual accompaniment to her X Factor audition track.
Why such a well made video would be hidden away from the thousands of prospective new fans is something of a mystery. Is it Lucy's decision or some restriction imposed by X Factor?
While we wait to find out, here's another video from her website in which she collaborates with J-Mac.
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Gay Marriage - The Dinner Table Debate: Dan Savage vs. Brian Brown
With the New York Times' Mark Oppenheimer moderating, Dan Savage (the sex columnist and originator of “It Gets Better”) invited Brian S. Brown (a conservative Catholic who is president of the National Organization for Marriage, an anti-gay-marriage advocacy organization) into his home to debate the issues regarding same sex marriage in the USA.
Oppenheimer wrote about the event in in a NY Times article entitled, 'After Dinner, The Fireworks', which gives some great background as to how the debate came about and what the participants thought about it several days later. Currently there's just the one video on the YouTube channel, but here's hoping they decide to continue the series and address many other contentious issues.
Via: UCL Atheist, Secularist & Humanist Society
"Vote Republican" - A song by satirist Roy Zimmerman
The song might be several years old but it's still just as apt today as it was then.
"Government is the problem, vote for us and we'll prove it".
Via: Alex on Facebook
The Flaming Lips & a very naked Amanda Palmer cover "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face"
The result is a thing of beauty on so many levels, but obviously very NSFW.
The Flaming Lips and Amanda Palmer - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face from Delo Creative on Vimeo.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
What's scarier than playing Slender? Playing it while drunk
I've featured the popular scarefest of a game that is Slender before.
Here's another video demonstrating the pants wetting terror it can induce, this time on a group of drunken guys.
NSFW Warning: About 90% of the dialogue is cursing, including some homophobic & racial slurs
Here's another video demonstrating the pants wetting terror it can induce, this time on a group of drunken guys.
NSFW Warning: About 90% of the dialogue is cursing, including some homophobic & racial slurs
Why are they cutting out the best bit from The Exes?
Bad boys, bankers & Miss Universe contestants - Australian X Factor wraps up week one with a bang
Unlike it's British originator, down under the show airs on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday nights and so far this week we've been met potential stars in the forms of 14 year old Vendulka Wichta and this year's first auditionee Bella Ferraro.
Last night's episode saw a motley crew of contestants hoping to make their way through to "super bootcamp". Matt Gresham has used a focus on music to turn around his life and - with a little help from Bob Marley - dazzled the judges with his unique style.
Former Miss Universe contestant Kristina & student Jo came together to form Good Question, and were eager to prove`they are far more than merely pretty faces.
Also choosing to choosing to mix things up with a number showcasing both his singing & rapping abilities was bank teller William Singe.
Closing out the shows for this week was factory working single dad Hayden Maurirere, with his performance of the Chris Cornell version of Michael Jackson's 'Billie Jean'.
Comunlee Misprenownced Werds
![]() |
Source: xkcd |
Turns out I've been mispronouncing, and even misspelling "prerogative" as "perogative".
I blame it on the Bobby Brown song, but here's the Britney version because f*ck Bobby Brown.
I've also been sticking an extra "r" in whenever I say "sherbet" and the blame for this one lies squarely with Mike Myers.
There are many more mispronounced words out there, one of which I was surprised not see mentioned in the video above, was "nuclear" which former President George W. Bush often (pronounced oft-en not off-ten) struggled with.
Paralympic athletes 'boost' performance by breaking toes, electrocuting their legs or twisting their scrotum
These are just some of the lengths that athletes with spinal injuries will go to increase their maximum performance by forcing a rise in blood pressure.
Known as 'boosting', the practice emulates the natural rise in blood pressure experienced during exercise by those without spinal injury. However, in doing so the athletes are putting their health on the line as they enter a state of 'autonomic dysreflexia' which can lead to permanent damage to the blood vessels in the eyes or lungs and potentially to a fatal stroke.
Despite being banned a survey of paralmpians who competed in Beijing revealed it continues.
Via: BBC News
Known as 'boosting', the practice emulates the natural rise in blood pressure experienced during exercise by those without spinal injury. However, in doing so the athletes are putting their health on the line as they enter a state of 'autonomic dysreflexia' which can lead to permanent damage to the blood vessels in the eyes or lungs and potentially to a fatal stroke.
Despite being banned a survey of paralmpians who competed in Beijing revealed it continues.
"Participants were specifically asked the question: "Have you ever intentionally induced autonomic dysreflexia to boost your performance in training or competition?"
Of the 60 participants who responded, 10 (16.7%) responded affirmatively while 50 (83.3%) responded negatively.
All the positive responses were obtained from the male participants, with the majority competing in wheelchair rugby (55.5%), followed by wheelchair marathon (22.2%) and long distance racing (22.2%)"
Via: BBC News
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Kid turns out to be an unexpectedly good beatboxer
The best bit is 18 seconds in when he kicks it up a notch and you can see everyone in the class suddenly look at him like they never have before.
Arguing for Assange
Below is a transcript of a discussion I had with a friend on Facebook, sparked by the allegations of hypocrisy by the Ecuadorian government in matters regarding extradition.
I've made no edits to the thread beyond removing the names and highlighting the lines written by my friend in italics and those written by me as quotes.
Good old double standards by Ecuador eh?
So is assange going to be held in prison in Ecuador pending Sweden's decision?
Life imprisonment or the death penalty??? Geez like Sweden is going to do that. I like a conspiracy theory or two, but don't you think these folks are working overtime to prevent Mr Wiki from facing a court?
Has the US asked for his extradition already? If they really wanted him as people claim I think they would have applied for his extradition ages ago ( it's not like he has been hiding in Tehran for the last few weeks)
This again is also speculation! The US has not stated it wants to detain Assange nor has it stated he will face trail on The grounds of espionage or treason at the moment. Citing Fox News or members or comments from Tea Party members as the voice of America is wide off the mark.
Actually just found this check it out:
I've made no edits to the thread beyond removing the names and highlighting the lines written by my friend in italics and those written by me as quotes.
Good old double standards by Ecuador eh?
Sounds like exactly the same thing they've asked for from Sweden.
"He cannot be condemned to death or to life in prison because there is a signed guarantee from the Belarusian government that assures us of this. The guarantee was delivered during Lukashenko's visit," said a court official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
So is assange going to be held in prison in Ecuador pending Sweden's decision?
No because there has been no petition for extradition from Ecuador by Sweden.
When Sweden submitted such to the UK there was a warrant issued that the UK was obligated to serve. Ecuador is under no such obligation for Assange but is for Barankov for whom extradition request have been made and the courts are currently considering the validity of.
Unlike Sweden, Belarus has committed to no death penalty or life imprisonment, thereby making it difficult for the Ecuadorian courts to justify refusing extradition.
Obviously it is America and not Sweden that must give assurances that Assange won't suddenly find himself in a US court facing the death penalty for treason if Ecuador deny his asylum.
Life imprisonment or the death penalty??? Geez like Sweden is going to do that. I like a conspiracy theory or two, but don't you think these folks are working overtime to prevent Mr Wiki from facing a court?
Personally I detest conspiracy theories. Belief that (man didn't land on the moon, climate change isn't real, the Earth was created in one week 6,000 years ago by an invisible man in space) requires someone to deliberately ignore the overwhelming evidence against it.
I want Assange in a Swedish court as quickly as can be arranged. He's accused of sexual assault and either needs to clear his name or be imprisoned for his criminal acts. The problem is that the second he finds himself on Swedish soil he'll probably find waiting for him an extradition request by the United States of America.
Since 2000 Sweden has agreed to all but two of the USA's petitions for extradition. Those two cases were purely because the Swedish authorities couldn't find them. http://www.svd.se/nyheter/inrikes/assange-sverige-har-inte-motsatt-sig-usa_6715051.svd I think it's therefore safe to assume that if Assange ends up in Sweden and the US asks for extradition, he's headed for the states asap.
Meanwhile Bradley Manning http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradley_Manning who ls accused of leaking documents to Wikileaks is still awaiting trial on charges "including communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source and aiding the enemy, a capital offense, though prosecutors said they would not seek the death penalty."
He was arrested in May 2010 and has so far been held in solitary confinement as a suicide risk for 18 months, before appeals that such imprisonment was unconstitutional resulted in his transfer to The United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth. Unlike Manning, Assange as a foreign national will have no such protection under the US Constitution.
Good old Joe Biden has called him a "high-tech terrorist", as has Senate Minority Leader McConnell who urged that he needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Palin called for Assange to be pursued "with the same urgency we pursue al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders" and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich stated that "Julian Assange is engaged in terrorism. He should be treated as an enemy combatant."
Do you know what happens to people classified as enemy combatants by the US? Rendition to Guantanamo, even under a President who ran on the pledge to shut the place down. But just because lots of senior political figures (and Sarah Palin) have it in for Assange doesn't mean that there are plans in place for him to be extradited? No, but the documents released to Wikileaks allegedly detailing such plans might well do.
You would be right to question the veracity of the Wikileaks documents. They have a vested interest in showing a sealed Grand Jury had been formed regarding the extradition of Assange. Without revealing the source there's no way to verify the claims. However, considering the relatively minor things which have resulted in the formation of secret Grand Juries in the past, it seems highly unlikely that there wouldn't have be one in this case. (In fact a real conspiracy theory would probably suggest that if one hadn't been it would be even more sinister evidence of the magnitude of this plot).
If the US did get their hands on Assange he would of course get a trial. Even they couldn't hope to just disappear someone with such a huge media profile. Unless they were taking cues from FOX News of course, where one of their political commentators Bob Beckel said, with agreement from other guests, that "there's only one way to do it: illegally shoot the son of a bitch." Of course he's just a guest, not like FOX News host and former Republican Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee who called for all those involved in the release of the cables to Wikileaks to be executed. If those comments had been made by presenters or guests on Sky News they'd probably be charged with "incitement to commit murder", but luckily they are protected by their constitutional rights, rights which again would not be extended to Assange.
Individuals making inflammatory statements doesn't mean the US Government itself wants to treat Assange like a spy. The request that he be tried under the Espionage Act on 1917, kinda does though. Made not by the American equivalent to a back-bencher, but by Peter T. King, Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, who on the same day recommended to US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton that she designate Wikileaks as a Foreign Terrorist Organisation because "By doing that, we will be able to seize their funds and go after anyone who provides them help or contributions or assistance whatsoever,” he said. “To me, they are a clear and present danger to America."
Of course the Espionage Act is nearly 100 years old and couldn't possibly have predicted such a situation as this, luckily the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence have offered to "close those gaps in the law" if the DOJ found it difficult to apply the law to Assange's case. Because of course that's how laws should work, subject to change whenever a suspect seems like they might not have actually broken them.
There may be many reasons why there is such insistence that Assange be tried for espionage. It might be a complete coincidence that a conviction under such charges can carry the death penalty or life imprisonment. If so this will be really easy to clear up by the US State Dept. making a binding assurance that of course they aren't going to execute Assange or imprison him for life.
Once that's done then Ecuador will no longer have cause to offer him asylum, the UK can ship him off to Sweden and he can finally face trial for the allegations of sexual assault. Without him appearing in that Swedish courtroom we have no way of knowing if the accusations are true, so how about America does it's part to help put him there and allow justice to be done one way of the other.
Has the US asked for his extradition already? If they really wanted him as people claim I think they would have applied for his extradition ages ago ( it's not like he has been hiding in Tehran for the last few weeks)
Countries usually don't ask for extradition unless they're pretty confident it will be granted. The UK will happily extradite Assange to Sweden on charges of sexual assault but it's highly unlikely they'd even consider extradition to the states on charges of espionage and treason.
The supposed Grand Jury documents produced by Wikileaks suggest that petitions for Assange's extradition have been drawn up but sealed, in preparation for the opportunity which gives them the greatest likelihood of success.
This again is also speculation! The US has not stated it wants to detain Assange nor has it stated he will face trail on The grounds of espionage or treason at the moment. Citing Fox News or members or comments from Tea Party members as the voice of America is wide off the mark.
I've said that it is speculation, but there is also evidence of the desire within the American media and political system for Assange to face charges of espionage and treason. I even made a point of saying that the reliability of the documents relating to the sealed Grand Jury is questionable and so can't be deemed proof even if this sounds pretty damning:
'On January 26, 2011, Fred Burton, the vice president of Stratfor, a leading private intelligence firm which bills itself as a kind of shadow CIA, sent an excited email to his colleagues. "Text Not for Pub," he wrote. "We" – meaning the U.S. government – "have a sealed indictment on Assange. Pls protect."' - http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/national-affairs/wikileaks-stratfor-emails-a-secret-indictment-against-assange-20120228
I was also careful to make clear that when I was quoting FOX News anchors or "less respected but still elected" politicians like Palin & Hukabee, I was not holding them up as the voice of America. I used them as the benchmark for the usual level on nonsense we expect to see and then showed that real actual politicans and policy makers agreed with them.
Joe Biden is the Vice-President of The United States of America, if he calls someone a terrorist that's pretty damning.
Lined up alongside him I have:
* Newt Gingrich, former House Speaker
* Senator Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader
* Congressman Peter T. King, Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
* Senator Feinstein, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence * Senator Kit Bond, Ranking Member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
These are not lowly tea party candidates, they're in actual positions of real power. Short of dismissing everything said at all times by all politicians, you can't deny their statements have some relevance here.
Actually just found this check it out:
The author may indeed be describing a perfect legal definition of a refugee and conclusively proving that Assange cannot be one but it's completely irrelevant.
The issue is that Assange is currently on Ecuadorian soil, unless the UK revokes the diplomatic protection afforded to embassies and starts a worldwide uproar. Being that "a state does not have any obligation to surrender an alleged criminal to a foreign state as one principle of sovereignty is that every state has legal authority over the people within its borders" without an applicable extradition treaty being in place, it doesn't matter what you define Assange as, merely whether Ecuador will refuse him asylum.
The surprises keep coming on Australian X Factor
The latest undiscovered superstar to appear on the stage was 14 year old Vendulka Wichta. Her rendition of The Beatle's 'Blackbird' seemed way beyond what could be expected from someone so young.
And once again proving this wasn't a one off, here she is covering Foster The People's 'Pumped Up Kicks'.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
That Nikola Tesla museum you've always dreamed of is one step closer to becoming real. (Almost)
A crowdfunded campaign to purchase the former laboratory of Nikola Tesla (aka The Greatest Geek Who Ever Lived), saving it from the threat of developers and securing it for future use as a museum dedicated to the under appreciated inventor, has nearly reached it's $850,000 goal.
The project is run by the Tesla Science Center charity, who teamed up with The Oatmeal's Mathhew Inman, a well known Tesla fan.
Which is an entirely different thing to a Tesla Coil.
Avengers gag reel leaked
A copy of the gag reel for the forthcoming Avengers blu-ray release has hit the net.
Meet Bella Ferraro - First contestant on this year's Australian X Factor and already tipped to win
Her absolutely stunning rendition of Bon Iver's 'Skinny Love', patterned on the cover by Birdy, had judges Ronan Keating & Mel B predicting that she'll not only win the competition, but go on to equal the worldwide success of Adele.
It would be easy to dismiss such lavish praise on the basis of a single performance, but like many aspiring singers she's been showcasing her singing talents via YouTube, even if she's been doing so via a blank screen.
In the intervening year she seems to have grown in confidence enough to appear in front of the camera. Here she covers The Killers 'Mr Brightside' alongside her friend Morgan, whose X Factor audition airs later this week.
Monday, 20 August 2012
Dub Samba? Salsa Step? Whatever this unlikely fusion is called, I want more of it
I'm all for blurring the boundaries between genres and it seems I'm not the only one. Despite only having been released 24 hours previously, this infectiously catchy track from Sam and the Womp has shot straight to the top of the UK singles chart.
Gaston - Everyone's favourite Disney douchebag
Every Disney film needs a villain, someone that kids can instinctively identify as evil.
In Beauty & The Beast however, we are introduced to a character almost identical to the heroes shown in other films. He's loved so much by the other characters that they even sing a song about just how great he is.
He's since become a firm favourite of the internetz, having been the basis for various memes.
We'll never know exactly why he has become so popular with the internet but I think it may be due to his manfully hairy physique.
In Beauty & The Beast however, we are introduced to a character almost identical to the heroes shown in other films. He's loved so much by the other characters that they even sing a song about just how great he is.
He's since become a firm favourite of the internetz, having been the basis for various memes.
We'll never know exactly why he has become so popular with the internet but I think it may be due to his manfully hairy physique.
I've turned up late to the Gangnam Style party
But now here I am dancing my ass off to this K-Pop viral video masterpiece:
The video is currently number 2 on YouTube's music chart and despite having seen it around the web for weeks now, I hadn't actually watched any of it until it was featured in the latest Teens React:
I've seen a few K-Pop videos in passing but never been overly impressed by any of them, this one however is something special.
The tune is a decent sounding piece of pop which I'm told is all about living the glamorous lifestyle associated with Seoul's Gangnam District, analogous to Beverly Hills. But let's face it, the real source of this video's popularity is the wonderful display of dancing given by PSY.
(It also turns out I'm not the only person who has been thinking it was called Gundam Style.)
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Seriously Russia, WTF?
The internet has long known that Russia is... different.
So much so that they awarded it the honour of it's own meme in the form of the "Meanwhile in Russia" image macro.
The past few weeks certainly haven't done much to improve the country's reputation in the eyes of the rest of the world.
![]() |
The world does have a thing for bad boys... |
"After Madonna's concert maybe some boy becomes gay, some girl becomes lesbian, fewer children are born as a result and this big country cannot defend its borders - for me it causes moral suffering."there is clearly a very different attitude toward gay rights in Russia than in many of it's European counterparts, but don't think Russia is focused solely on the oppression of homosexuals.
Is this Facebook's newest advertising scheme?
A few hours ago Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg shared his love of Chicken Nuggets with his 15 million subscribers.
After a week which saw his company's shares fall to half their initial price, resulting in a $9 billion loss to his personal fortune, has the social media guru understandably turned to some comfort food, or is he just trying to find alternative revenue streams to help offset the hole in his finances?
After a week which saw his company's shares fall to half their initial price, resulting in a $9 billion loss to his personal fortune, has the social media guru understandably turned to some comfort food, or is he just trying to find alternative revenue streams to help offset the hole in his finances?
I totally envy all these sleepy puppies
They may not rid you of your insomnia but this compilation of puppies trying to say awake should make you less grumpy about it.
Friday, 17 August 2012
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Spoiler laden trailer for Dexter season 7 looks fantastic
Spoilers, spoilers, spoilers.
The text in this post won't contain any but the video and article it links to certainly do.
Spoilers, spoilers, spoilers.
The text in this post won't contain any but the video and article it links to certainly do.
Prince Philip is on the mend, which is the perfect excuse to be reminded of his most cringeworthy moments
The Duke of Edinburgh is well known for saying terribly inappropriate things so I feel sorry for the poor nurses who will have had to tend to him during his latest hospitalisation.
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